
Сообщения за апрель, 2018

Horizon, Penyedia Dengan Teknologi Blockchain

Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, teknologi nirkabel telah mengalami 4 sampai 5 generasi revolusi teknologi dan evolusi yang lulus dari OG sampai 4G saat ini. Penelitian teknologi nirkabel difokuskan pada penerapan teknologi 4G dan 5G namun saat ini 5G tidak resmi digunakan. Koneksi nirkabel membuat komunikasi mudah dan menarik pada saat bersamaan. "Blockchain adalah masa depan keuangan dan data dan nirkabel adalah masa depan komunikasi" (Horizon Communications) TETAPI Horizon adalah jembatan antara komunikasi Blockchain dan Wireless untuk menghadirkan layanan internet berkecepatan tinggi di Karibia. Komunikasi Horizon: Sesuai dengan namanya, adalah Penyedia Layanan Internet yang akan melayani tujuan menyediakan layanan internet yang tinggi kepada pengguna akhir di wilayah Karibia dari tahun 2018 dan seterusnya. Seiring aktivitas internet meningkat, ada juga kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan internet dan Horizon Communications dikembangkan untuk menawarkan layanan sema

Casper - Platform for DApps Developers to Storage Data

INTRODUCING Casper is a platform that focuses on providing decentralized data storage services for DApps developers, using Blockchain technology as the basis for its development. Casper is the first system to provide data storage using cloud technology or called Cloud-Based and combine it with Blockchain technology and intelligent contracting systems. Casper provides a cloud storage that will store all information related to DApps development safely and more efficiently. Getting Started Development The team from Casper developed this platform using a directly integrated system and used the revolutionary Blockchain technology as the basis for its development. Casper developed this platform in order to provide DAapps developers with a cloud storage service that will store all the information related to the DApps they develop. Casper provides a storage service that will respond to the overall information quickly and more efficiently, as Casper believes that the entire tech

PokerSports – A New Take On The Current Betting Industry

How blockchain technology could revolutionize the betting industry Humanity has been gambling and placing bets against one another for thousands of years. When gambling was first introduced into people’s lives, they didn’t have anywhere near the equipment which is used today, and especially not the technology the betting industry uses today. Because even though traditional gambling still is very popular, the online casinos and betting platforms are where the real growth is at the moment. However, many people are still hesitant on using online casinos because they are afraid they are being cheated, which is understandable, as people can’t see the code that controls the output of bets. But that all changes with the implementation of blockchain technology and smart contracts. This is exactly what PokerSports aims to do, revolutionize the betting industry through the use of blockchain technology and digital tokens. Besides from a transparency and security benefits, PokerSports found

PLENTIX - Platform Yang Memberi Pengembang Fleksibilitas Dan Potensi Yang Luar Biasa Untuk Memperoleh Pendapatan

Hallo semuanya..dalam postingan saya kali ini saya ingin memperkenalkan tetntang proyek PLENTIX , berikut penjelasannya: Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Plentix? Plentix adalah proyek berbasis blockchain yang bertujuan untuk mengimbangi ekonomi rujukan dan menyebarkan penghargaan kepada semua peserta. Pedagang, pengguna, teman, bahkan pengembang aplikasi mungkin menerima penghargaan berupa diskon atau token Plentix. Pilihan untuk mengajukan ICO alih-alih bibit tradisional dan dana seri A melalui modal ventura memungkinkan partisipasi masyarakat dan kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk menuai keuntungan dari ekonomi rujukan global. Semua tanpa kecuali, perusahaan dengan tingkat yang tepat akan dapat mengintegrasikan sistem POS dan CRM. Pengembang dapat membuat modul terbatas mereka sendiri, dan kemudian mengintegrasikannya secara mulus dengan aplikasi Plentix. Secara umum, aplikasi ini sama fleksibelnya seperti sekarang. Sistem rujukan memberikan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keunt

SprintX is creating a unique use for cryptocurrency

SprintX SprintX, there is a lot to this company than just a cryptocurrency. Don’t get me wrong however, their cryptocurrency is quintessential to their business plan but it is still just a component to achieve the true goal for there business. You see SprintX is perhaps the first company of its kind in the crypto industry. The SprintX business model is to review ideas from entrepreneurs and developers and if they believe that the idea being presented to them has potential and is feasible then they will move all potential candidates and their ideas into the second phase of there operation which is the Fundacion Nova. They also offer the entrepreneurs with block chain technology and smart contracts to aid them in their endeavor. This is only the first step of what SprintX does. Fundacion Nova Fundacion Nova is a company that further reviews all potential ideas and ensures due diligence on there part. SprintX is in collaboration with Fundacion Nova to provide all entrepenuer


Selamat Malam, Apa itu PayVX? PayVX adalah teknologi pembayaran paling sederhana, tercepat, dan teraman di dunia. Layanan Escrow-Currency Escrow menyediakan jembatan yang andal dan menciptakan hubungan kepercayaan antara kedua pihak untuk transaksi online. Karena transaksi mata uang kripto tidak dapat diubah, penanganan pihak yang tidak percaya merupakan tingkat risiko yang serius bagi pembeli dan penjual. PayVX secara efektif melindungi proses ini, memberikan kepercayaan dan keyakinan dalam proses operasi. Struktur Pembayaran PayVX PayVX menawarkan bentuk pembayaran aman yang melindungi kepentingan semua pihak yang terlibat. Setelah biaya disetujui oleh klien dan freelancer, tambahan biaya platform 1,3% disimpan oleh klien dalam sistem escrow kami. Biaya dirilis pada penyelesaian yang sukses proyek dan 1,3% dipegang oleh platform. Dalam kasus perselisihan, perselisihan disebut ke Tribunal Anggota. Platform PayVX Platform escrow yang terdesentralisasi untuk membuat tr


VOTEM “Votem is far and above the competition in terms of creating a trusted blockchain voting solution. We think that within a few elections, some precincts will be calculating votes on systems built by Votem and her competitors, and that recording property transactions into blockchains will be commonplace within the century.” – P.H. Madore, Cryptocoinnews Voting is a method for groups,such as meetings or voters,making decisions or expressing opinions,usually after discussion,debate or election campaign.Democrats choose high-ranking individuals by voting.Residents of the place represented by an elected officer are called voters and voters who vote their elect candidates are called voters. We all need basic rights and these rights are known as the fundamental rights. Out of the several fundamental rights, one is the voting right. Now, all individuals in the present day should be aware of their rights especially the voting one and must vote during elections. Votem App is a stra